Sunday, December 16, 2007

Tagged by miss Vicky

1.) 2 person that u miss the most:
~ family
~ Lucky * anggap he is a person la.. OK?? XD *

2.) 2 songs that u're currently into:
~ One Republic - Apologize
~ Elliot Yamin - Wait for You

3.) State 2 stuff that u really wanna do right now:
~ shopping
~ tie my hair

4.) 2 of ur current fear:
~ PMR result... =S gonna get heart attack!!!
~ erm.. nth? XD

5.) describe ur current self:
~ with big eyebags =\
~ with dark dark circles =(

6.) 2 events that u hope to come asap:
~ sis get her salary =D !!!!! muahahahhahaaaaaa
~ Lucky get a new hairstyle

7.) 2 stuff that u hope will stop now:
~ the boring holidays
~ my neck pain... =.=

8.) 2 stuff that u hope will end in the future but kinda impossible:
~ the supa hot whether
~ sick

9.) 2 of ur future occupation? :
~ lawyer?
~ accountant????

i dunno LOL

10.) 2 of ur trusted friends? :
~ my dog aka Lucky.... =D
~ Lucky aka my dog.... =P

11.) 2 stuff that u hope to change bout urself :
~ hardworking
~ smart

12.) 3 quotes that will always stick in ur brain? :
~ be happy with what you have now...
~ appreciate your friends and family
~ laugh always!!! =D bwaahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

13.) Tag 2 person
~ Wen Xin!!!! hehehhehehhhh.....
~ Hui Cin!!! kakakkakakakakakakaaa......